// source --> /wp-content/plugins/google-maps-easy/js/core.js?ver=1.9.18 if(typeof(GMP_DATA) == 'undefined') var GMP_DATA = {}; if(isNumber(GMP_DATA.animationSpeed)) GMP_DATA.animationSpeed = parseInt(GMP_DATA.animationSpeed); else if(jQuery.inArray(GMP_DATA.animationSpeed, ['fast', 'slow']) == -1) GMP_DATA.animationSpeed = 'fast'; GMP_DATA.showSubscreenOnCenter = parseInt(GMP_DATA.showSubscreenOnCenter); var sdLoaderImgGmp = ''; var g_gmpAnimationSpeed = 300; jQuery.fn.showLoaderGmp = function() { return jQuery(this).html( sdLoaderImgGmp ); }; jQuery.fn.appendLoaderGmp = function() { jQuery(this).append( sdLoaderImgGmp ); }; jQuery.sendFormGmp = function(params) { // Any html element can be used here return jQuery('
').sendFormGmp(params); }; /** * Send form or just data to server by ajax and route response * @param string params.fid form element ID, if empty - current element will be used * @param string params.msgElID element ID to store result messages, if empty - element with ID "msg" will be used. Can be "noMessages" to not use this feature * @param function params.onSuccess funstion to do after success receive response. Be advised - "success" means that ajax response will be success * @param array params.data data to send if You don't want to send Your form data, will be set instead of all form data * @param array params.appendData data to append to sending request. In contrast to params.data will not erase form data * @param string params.inputsWraper element ID for inputs wraper, will be used if it is not a form * @param string params.clearMsg clear msg element after receive data, if is number - will use it to set time for clearing, else - if true - will clear msg element after 5 seconds */ jQuery.fn.sendFormGmp = function(params) { var form = null; if(!params) params = {fid: false, msgElID: false, onSuccess: false}; if(params.fid) form = jQuery('#'+ fid); else form = jQuery(this); /* This method can be used not only from form data sending, it can be used just to send some data and fill in response msg or errors*/ var sentFromForm = (jQuery(form).tagName() == 'FORM'); var data = new Array(); if(params.data) data = params.data; else if(sentFromForm) data = jQuery(form).serialize(); if(params.appendData) { var dataIsString = typeof(data) == 'string'; var addStrData = []; for(var i in params.appendData) { if(dataIsString) { if(toeInArray(typeof(params.appendData[i], ['object', 'array']))) { for(var j in params.appendData[i]) { addStrData.push(i+ '['+ j+ ']'+ '='+ params.appendData[i][j]); } } else { addStrData.push(i+ '='+ params.appendData[i]); } } else data[i] = params.appendData[i]; } if(dataIsString) data += '&'+ addStrData.join('&'); } var msgEl = null; if(params.msgElID) { if(params.msgElID == 'noMessages') msgEl = false; else if(typeof(params.msgElID) == 'object') msgEl = params.msgElID; else msgEl = jQuery('#'+ params.msgElID); } if(typeof(params.inputsWraper) == 'string') { form = jQuery('#'+ params.inputsWraper); sentFromForm = true; } if(sentFromForm && form) { jQuery(form).find('*').removeClass('gmpInputError'); } if(msgEl && !params.btn) { jQuery(msgEl).removeClass('gmpSuccessMsg') .removeClass('gmpErrorMsg') .showLoaderGmp(); } if(params.btn) { jQuery(params.btn).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // Font awesome usage params.btnIconElement = jQuery(params.btn).find('.fa').size() ? jQuery(params.btn).find('.fa') : jQuery(params.btn); if(jQuery(params.btn).find('.fa').size()) { params.btnIconElement .data('prev-class', params.btnIconElement.attr('class')) .attr('class', 'fa fa-spinner fa-spin'); } } var url = ''; if(typeof(params.url) != 'undefined') url = params.url; else if(typeof(ajaxurl) == 'undefined') url = GMP_DATA.ajaxurl; else url = ajaxurl; jQuery('.gmpErrorForField').hide(GMP_DATA.animationSpeed); var dataType = params.dataType ? params.dataType : 'json'; // Set plugin orientation if(typeof(data) == 'string') { data += '&pl='+ GMP_DATA.GMP_CODE; data += '&reqType=ajax'; } else { data['pl'] = GMP_DATA.GMP_CODE; data['reqType'] = 'ajax'; } jQuery.ajax({ url: url, data: data, type: 'POST', dataType: dataType, success: function(res) { toeProcessAjaxResponseGmp(res, msgEl, form, sentFromForm, params); if(params.clearMsg) { setTimeout(function(){ if(msgEl) jQuery(msgEl).animateClear(); }, typeof(params.clearMsg) == 'boolean' ? 5000 : params.clearMsg); } } }); }; /** * Hide content in element and then clear it */ jQuery.fn.animateClear = function() { var newContent = jQuery(''+ jQuery(this).html()+ ''); jQuery(this).html( newContent ); jQuery(newContent).hide(GMP_DATA.animationSpeed, function(){ jQuery(newContent).remove(); }); }; /** * Hide content in element and then remove it */ jQuery.fn.animateRemoveGmp = function(animationSpeed, onSuccess) { animationSpeed = animationSpeed == undefined ? GMP_DATA.animationSpeed : animationSpeed; jQuery(this).hide(animationSpeed, function(){ jQuery(this).remove(); if(typeof(onSuccess) === 'function') onSuccess(); }); }; function toeProcessAjaxResponseGmp(res, msgEl, form, sentFromForm, params) { if(typeof(params) == 'undefined') params = {}; if(typeof(msgEl) == 'string') msgEl = jQuery('#'+ msgEl); if(msgEl) jQuery(msgEl).html(''); if(params.btn) { jQuery(params.btn).removeAttr('disabled'); if(params.btnIconElement) { params.btnIconElement.attr('class', params.btnIconElement.data('prev-class')); } } /*if(sentFromForm) { jQuery(form).find('*').removeClass('gmpInputError'); }*/ if(typeof(res) == 'object') { if(res.error) { if(msgEl) { jQuery(msgEl).removeClass('gmpSuccessMsg') .addClass('gmpErrorMsg'); } var errorsArr = []; for(var name in res.errors) { if(sentFromForm) { var inputError = jQuery(form).find('[name*="'+ name+ '"]'); inputError.addClass('gmpInputError'); if(inputError.attr('placeholder')) { //inputError.attr('placeholder', res.errors[ name ]); } if(!inputError.data('keyup-error-remove-binded')) { inputError.keydown(function(){ jQuery(this).removeClass('gmpInputError'); }).data('keyup-error-remove-binded', 1); } } if(jQuery('.gmpErrorForField.toe_'+ nameToClassId(name)+ '').exists()) jQuery('.gmpErrorForField.toe_'+ nameToClassId(name)+ '').show().html(res.errors[name]); else if(msgEl) jQuery(msgEl).append(res.errors[name]).append('
'); else errorsArr.push( res.errors[name] ); } if(errorsArr.length && params.btn) { jQuery('
').html( errorsArr.join('
') ).appendTo('body').dialog({ modal: true , width: '500px' }); } } else if(res.messages.length) { if(msgEl) { jQuery(msgEl).removeClass('gmpErrorMsg') .addClass('gmpSuccessMsg'); for(var i = 0; i < res.messages.length; i++) { jQuery(msgEl).append(res.messages[i]).append('
'); } } } } if(params.onSuccess && typeof(params.onSuccess) == 'function') { params.onSuccess(res); } } function getDialogElementGmp() { return jQuery('
').appendTo(jQuery('body')); } function toeOptionGmp(key) { if(GMP_DATA.options && GMP_DATA.options[ key ] && GMP_DATA.options[ key ].value) return GMP_DATA.options[ key ].value; return false; } function toeLangGmp(key) { if(GMP_DATA.siteLang && GMP_DATA.siteLang[key]) return GMP_DATA.siteLang[key]; return key; } function toePagesGmp(key) { if(typeof(GMP_DATA) != 'undefined' && GMP_DATA[key]) return GMP_DATA[key]; return false;; } /** * This function will help us not to hide desc right now, but wait - maybe user will want to select some text or click on some link in it. */ function toeOptTimeoutHideDescriptionGmp() { jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').removeAttr('toeFixTip'); setTimeout(function(){ if(!jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').attr('toeFixTip')) toeOptHideDescriptionGmp(); }, 500); } /** * Show description for options */ function toeOptShowDescriptionGmp(description, x, y, moveToLeft) { if(typeof(description) != 'undefined' && description != '') { if(!jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').size()) { jQuery('body').append('
'); } if(moveToLeft) jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').css('right', jQuery(window).width() - (x - 10)); // Show it on left side of target else jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').css('left', x + 10); jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').css('top', y); jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').show(200); jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').html(description); } } /** * Hide description for options */ function toeOptHideDescriptionGmp() { jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').removeAttr('toeFixTip'); jQuery('#gmpOptDescription').hide(200); } function toeInArrayGmp(needle, haystack) { if(haystack) { for(var i in haystack) { if(haystack[i] == needle) return true; } } return false; } function toeShowDialogCustomized(element, options) { options = jQuery.extend({ resizable: false , width: 500 , height: 300 , closeOnEscape: true , open: function(event, ui) { jQuery('.ui-dialog-titlebar').css({ 'background-color': '#222222' , 'background-image': 'none' , 'border': 'none' , 'margin': '0' , 'padding': '0' , 'border-radius': '0' , 'color': '#CFCFCF' , 'height': '27px' }); jQuery('.ui-dialog-titlebar-close').css({ 'background': 'url("'+ GMP_DATA.cssPath+ 'img/tb-close.png") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent' , 'border': '0' , 'width': '15px' , 'height': '15px' , 'padding': '0' , 'border-radius': '0' , 'margin': '7px 7px 0' }).html(''); jQuery('.ui-dialog').css({ 'border-radius': '3px' , 'background-color': '#FFFFFF' , 'background-image': 'none' , 'padding': '1px' , 'z-index': '300000' , 'position': 'fixed' , 'top': '60px' }); jQuery('.ui-dialog-buttonpane').css({ 'background-color': '#FFFFFF' }); jQuery('.ui-dialog-title').css({ 'color': '#CFCFCF' , 'font': '12px sans-serif' , 'padding': '6px 10px 0' }); if(options.openCallback && typeof(options.openCallback) == 'function') { options.openCallback(event, ui); } jQuery('.ui-widget-overlay').css({ 'z-index': jQuery( event.target ).parents('.ui-dialog:first').css('z-index') - 1 , 'background-image': 'none' }); if(options.modal && options.closeOnBg) { jQuery('.ui-widget-overlay').unbind('click').bind('click', function() { jQuery( element ).dialog('close'); }); } } }, options); return jQuery(element).dialog(options); } /** * @see html::slider(); **/ function toeSliderMove(event, ui) { var id = jQuery(event.target).attr('id'); var unit = jQuery(event.target).parent().find('[data-unit]').attr('data-unit'); if(ui.value == 1) { jQuery('#toeSliderDisplay_'+ id).html( ui.value + ' ' + unit ); } else { jQuery('#toeSliderDisplay_'+ id).html( ui.value + ' ' + unit + 's' ); } jQuery('#toeSliderInput_'+ id).val( ui.value ).change(); } function setBrowserUrl(url) { if (typeof (history.pushState) != 'undefined') { var obj = {Title: document.title, Url: url}; history.pushState(obj, obj.Title, obj.Url); } } function createAjaxLinkGmp(param) { return GMP_DATA.ajaxurl+ '?'+ paramGmp(param); } function paramGmp(param) { var param = jQuery.extend({}, param); param['pl'] = GMP_DATA.GMP_CODE; return jQuery.param( param ); } /* TinyMCE Editor */ function gmpGetTxtEditorVal(id) { var elem = jQuery('#'+ id) , content = typeof(tinyMCE) !== 'undefined' && tinyMCE.get( id ) && !elem.is(':visible') ? tinyMCE.get( id ).getContent() : elem.val(); return content; } function gmpSetTxtEditorVal(id, content) { var elem = jQuery('#'+ id); if(typeof(tinyMCE) !== 'undefined' && tinyMCE && tinyMCE.get( id ) && !elem.is(':visible')) { tinyMCE.get( id ).setContent(content); } else { elem.val( content ); } };